Access control List(ACL) in CakePHP
An Access control list or ACL is used to make access control for each of the logins and handle security of the app.
ACL basically handles 2 things:
ARO(Access Request Object):
Aros are of usergroups and users. Each of the users are mapped to aros to know the group he belongs to.
ACO(Access Control Object):
Aros are of menus and modules. Where every usergroup will have permissions to access each of these menus and modules.
Essentially, ACL is what is used to decide when an ARO can have access to an ACO.
In order to help you understand how everything works together, let’s use a semi-practical example. Imagine, for a moment, a computer system used by a familiar group of fantasy novel adventurers from the Lord of the Rings. The leader of the group, Gandalf, wants to manage the party’s assets while maintaining a healthy amount of privacy and security for the other members of the party. The first thing he needs to do is create a list of the AROs involved:
- Gandalf
- Aragorn
- Bilbo
- Frodo
- Gollum
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Pippin
- Weapons
- The One Ring
- Salted Pork
- Diplomacy
- Ale
Source: InstaCarma
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