CakePHP for buidling your web app = great choice!
CakePHP is a PHP framework that simplifies the way you do
programming. What do I mean by “framework”? This concept is best
explained by making a comparison with traditional application scripts: a
typical PHP script starts at the top and proceeds to the bottom while
utilizing included classes to create objects and processes the intended
logic. An error in your syntax ruins everything, and you need to
manually code database connections and other activities not native to
the language.
MVC Pattern
Model support data handling, with model class you can insert, update,
delete or read the data from the database. View support data rendering
on the screen. Controller process and responds to events and can modify
data before it interact with the model (database). With this pattern
it’s very easy to separate the logic from the presentation, which is
very useful for large applications and sites.
Faster development
CakePHP shaves a lot of time off your typical coding assignments by
letting you create a few lines of code that utilize the backbone
libraries built into the framework. Do you need your application to send
email? No problem. Do you want to verify a form to make sure the user
is entering a credit card number? CakePHP has you covered. Need to
interact easily with a mySQL database (or others)? That’s easy too!
Every table is represented from a class. In these classes you can
define relations between other tables, validation definition and also
you can predefine specific callbacks especially for that table. The most
important thing for me is the relation definitions, because once they
are properly defined you can have sub records /from the related tables/
without doing anything specific – you just have them when you get the
main record.
CakePHP is all about developer happiness!
CakePHP allows developers to write less code to achieve the same
affect as other developers using another language or framework. That
means they have more time to plan everything out, test it well, and
ensure performance. By the time an application gets to be any sort of
complex, the speed of the framework is largely overrun by whether it was
easy to write the code in the first place.
Let’s not forget that security in app development is often sorely
neglected. Fortunately, CakePHP protects forgetful programmers by
offering protection from database injections and AJAX vulnerabilities.
CakePHP also allows you to inexpensively and easily switch your current
PHP practice to a rapid deployment framework. Not many things are more
depressing (or expensive) than telling your team of PHP developers that
they need to abandon their expertise to shift focus to a different
language. With CakePHP, it probably won’t be necessary!
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Source: InstaCarma
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